Sheet Music for Classical Singers and Pianists, Pdf Download

Vaccai Accompaniments for Low Voice With Baritone Vocal Line Added. First Lesson in B-Flat Major. Xavier Palacios, Piano 

Vaccai Practical Method Accompaniments with Vocal Melody Added: Baritone with transpositions matching Schirmer, Peters and Ricordi Editions. Xavier Palacios, Piano, on Apple Music.CLICK ON THE IMAGE to listen to the tracks.

For Mezzo-soprano, Baritone, or Light Countertenor. With Transpositions matching Authoritative Editions

For Mezzo-soprano, Baritone, or Light Countertenor...
37 Tracks
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  • Lesson I, The Diatonic Scale : Manca sollecita in B Flat Major (All Editions)
  • Intervals of the Third :  Semplicetta tortorella in F Major (Ricordi), E Flat Major (Peters)
  • Lesson II, Intervals of the Fourth : Lascia il Lido in G Major (Ricordi) , F Major (Peters)
  • Intervals of the Fifth : Avezzo a vivere in Major (Ricordi), D Flat Major (Peters)
  • Lesson III Intervals of the Sixth : Bella prova in G Major (Ricordi, Peters)
  • Lesson IV Intervals of the Seventh : Fra l'ombre  in B Flat Major (All Editions)
  • Intervals of the Octave : Quell'onda che ruina in Major (Ricordi), B Flat Major (Schirmer, Peters)
  • Lesson V Half tones or Semitones : Delira dubbiosa in E Flat Major (All Editions)
  • Syncopation : Nel contrasto amor s'accende n Major (Ricordi) , F Major (Schirmer, Peters)
  • Lesson VII Runs and Scale Passages : Come il candore in F Major (All Editions) (3 Tempi) 
  • Lesson VIII The appogiatura taken from above or below : Senza l'amabile in F Major (All Editions)
  • The Accaciatura : Benchè di senso privo in D Major (All Editions)
  • Lesson IX The Mordent : La Gioja verace in G  Major (All Editions)
  • Different ways of executing the Mordent : L'augelletto in lacci stretto in D Major  (Ricordi, Peters)
  • Lesson X Introductory to the Grupetto or Turn : Quando accende un nobil petto in D Major (All Editions) (3 Tempi)
  • The Grupetto or Turn : Più non si trovano inMajor (Schirmer, Ricordi) , D Flat Major (Peters)
  • Lesson XI Introduction to the Trill or Shake : Se povero il ruscello in E Flat Major (All Editions) (2 Tempi)
  • Lesson XII runs and Scale Passages : Siam navi all'onde in B Flat Major (All Editions)
  • Lesson XIII Portamento :  Vorrei spiegar l'affanno in F Sharp Major (Ricordi), G Major (Schirmer, Peters)
  • Portamento The second way :  O placido il Mare in F Major (All Editions)
  • Lesson XIV The Recitativo :  La Patria è un tutto  in F Major (All Editions)
  • Lesson XV Recapitulation :  A la stagione de' fiori in F Major (Schirmer, Ricordi) , E Major  (Peters)